The Iowa Farmers Union State Convention is a chance for members from all over Iowa to connect with one another, hear from world-renowned speakers, attend educational sessions, and influence changes made to our guiding policy.

Austin Frerick is an expert on agricultural and antitrust policy. He worked at the Open Markets Institute, the U.S. Department of Treasury, and the Congressional Research Service before becoming a Fellow at Yale University. He is a 7th-generation Iowan and 1st-generation college graduate, with degrees from Grinnell College and the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
He recently published his debut book, Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry, which profiles a series of powerful magnates to illustrate the concentration of power in the American food system.

Friday, December 6
9 am – Convention Registration and Check-in Table Opens
10 am to 12 pm – Tour at Pivot Bio
To kick off our convention, we’ll head over to Pivot Bio headquarters in Ames for a tour of its facilities and a discussion on its mission to transform agriculture by eliminating the need for synthetic fertilizer.
12:00 to 3:30 pm – Iowa Local Foods Policy Summit
Join us for a high-level overview of the current local food programs at the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, as well as a chance for leading legislators to share their legislative priorities for the local and regional food system. Share an entirely locally sourced meal and be a part of a unified gathering designed to continue the great work of advancing local food programs during the 2025 Legislative Session.
IFU Education Foundation Fundraiser
Location: Quality Inn & Suites
4 pm – Literary Round Table & Book Signing
Neil Hamilton, author of The River Knows, and Sarah Green, contributor to Sacrifice State: Iowa Voices on Environment & Justice, and Taylor Sklenar, author of the play Resistance, discuss their creative works and how they relate to the broader agricultural landscape in the state. Beth Hoffman, author of Bet the Farm: The Dollars and Sense of Growing Food in America, will moderate the discussion.
5 to 7 pm – IFU Education Foundation Celebration
Featuring music, food, a cash bar, and more! A relaxed evening of music, great food & drink and engaging community.
7 pm – Late Night Hangout – Young Members and Beginning Farmers
Young and Beginning Farmer members are invited to this special gathering for an evening of camaraderie. A large private gathering room has been reserved at Pasta Al Forno, located on the east end of the Quality Inn & Suites. Reasonably priced food and drinks are available.
Saturday, December 7
7 am – Convention Registration and Check-in Table Opens
8 am – Convention Welcome and State of the Farmers Union Address
9 am – Farm Bill Limbo
Reporter Chris Clayton of DTN Progressive Farmer, president Rob Larew of the National Farmers Union, journalist Cheryl Tevis, and IFU members discuss the volatile farm bill debate in Congress.
10:30 am – Choice of 3 Concurrent Workshops
Session 1: Protecting Pesticides or People? How Much Can We Bayer?
Learn how pesticide manufacturers are pulling out all the stops to keep farmers from getting relief from pesticide injuries.
Session 2: Property Rights (and Wrongs) and the CO2 Pipeline
Learn about the assault on property rights by CO2 pipeline corporate interests, including the misuse of eminent domain. Jess Mazour of the Sierra Club and Neil Hamilton of Drake University lead the discussion.
Session 3: Share Your Story: How to Sharpen Your Best Tools
Learn how to shape your narrative and share your story to make a difference in your community and in Iowa agriculture.
11:30 am – Lunch
12:15 pm – Keynote Address by Austin Frerick
1:15 pm – Policy Round tables
2 pm – Choice of 3 Concurrent Workshops
Session 1: Climate Crisis and Opportunity? Reimagining our Future
Climate change is impacting our farms and our communities. Examine the challenges and imagine a different path forward.
Session 2: Farm Stress: Real Strategies to Respond
Mental health challenges are increasing for Iowa farmers. Join a discussion about concrete steps to make a positive difference on your farm and landscape and in your community
Session 3: Iowa’s Troubled Waters
Learn about the current state of water quality issues in Iowa and about the recent attacks on Swampbuster provisions in federal farm programs and how Farmers Union is teaming up with environmental and sustainable agriculture groups to respond.
3:15 pm – IFU Board Election
To view open board positions, click here.
3:45 pm – Policy Round Tables and Debate
Help us write the Iowa Farmers Union policy book and set priorities for the 2025 Legislative Session. This is what being a part of the Farmers Union is all about!
5 pm – Convention Adjournment
Are you having issues with your registration? Email Christina Dexter at [email protected] or call 816-738-5402.