Welcome to our $40,000 in 40 Days Fundraising Campaign!

The IFU Board has set an ambitious goal of raising $40,000 in 2024 to help support the work of our organization in 2025.

A POWERFUL Farmers Union starts with you!

As a grassroots organization, we rely on contributions of all sizes from our members and supporters.  Every dollar you contribute to the "$40K-in-40 Days" Campaign provides vital support for our work to advocate, educate, and organize on behalf of Iowa's independent family farmers and rural communities.

You can support IFU in one of two ways:

(1) With a one-time contribution OR

(2) As a monthly sustaining donor

If you have selected one of the "Sustaining Donor" options, please be sure to check the box below indicating "I want to contribute this amount every month." The amount you have selected will be billed automatically each month to your credit card.
Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Name and Address
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address

You may opt to designate all or a portion of your donation for the IFU Education Foundation, a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization charged with carrying out the educational mission of IFU. If you choose this designation, your donation will be used excusively to support the educational programs carried out by the Foundation. Donations to the IFU Education Foundation qualify as tax deductible charitable contributions.

Donate to the IFU Education Foundation